Body Ready Method & Body Ready Birth Workshop


I am excited to bring the Body Ready Birth Workshop to our Main Line/Philadelphia community on Saturday, September 28th from 9:00AM-1:30PM at Experience Chiropractic in Wayne,PA!  This powerful workshop helps reclaim the body’s natural wisdom for birth in a world that’s made it forget!

Not only do we teach how to create space in the pelvis, we also have pelvis prep classes for each level of the pelvis to help you better understand clues to know where baby is during labor…. You don’t need a PhD in Pelvic Biomechanics to give birth more efficiently!  

We believe that when we learn about and practice positions, we prepare the body to be able to find them, intuitively. That way, the neural pathways are there, in the brain, and you can intuitively access them in birth!  


With this new Body Ready Birth workshop, you and your birth partner can look forward to:

👐Confidence to know EXACTLY how to move in birth to help your baby progress.

🔍Clarity about how YOUR body likes to move to open your pelvis.

👐 Techniques to prepare the pelvis for birth at every level 

🔬 Knowledge of birthing positions and techniques to help labor progress smoothly and effectively.

🤝Learn innovative hands-on techniques to increase comfort and connection with your partner during labor. 

🧠The know-how to minimize and prevent common birth injuries with proven methods.

😎 Total confidence going into birth with the wisdom of what to do, when and why.

Join me in this one of a kind workshop to facilitate you and your partner coming together, supporting each other in becoming Body Ready for Birth.

Click here to register.


Other ways to prepare the body for birth include the Body Ready Method Pregnancy online program and the 1-to-1 assessment with me for targeted exercises for your unique body. 


The Body Ready Pregnancy program is a complete online program that will guide you through exercising safely and effectively to create space and balance in the body and stabilize joints which can increase comfort in pregnancy and efficiency in birth.  There are exercises to relieve common pregnancy discomforts like SPD and SIJ.  This program is designed specifically to help the pregnant body handle the loads of pregnancy and prepare the body to birth. There is also a Recovery program which can be bundled with the pregnancy program or purchased separately. 

Don’t have time for a full exercise program or want to go deeper? 

The 1-to-1 assessment with me can provide you with a targeted set of exercises for your unique body so you can prioritized your time and efforts.

If you are more than a year postpartum, I recommend the Restore Your Core Online program.

Contact me to set up an assessment.